The Proud To Be You

Blog & Podcast


How to Measure the Metrics that Matter Feb 24, 2020

Whatever the metrics are in your business, it's crucial that you are measuring them from day one.

Are you measuring the metrics that matter in your business? If you're growing a business and in...

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What Does Success Look Like To You? Feb 17, 2020

What does success look like to you? I ask you this question because especially in the beginning of the year, it is very easy to get caught up with chasing somebody else's version of success.

We see...

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How Working With The Moon Can Increase Success Feb 10, 2020

Oh my goodness, the difference it made in my business is insane.

Do you use the power of the moon to boost your business? Yes, I did say the moon this isn't some marketing strategy video. I am...

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The Power of Collaboration Feb 05, 2020

As online entrepreneurs social media is an essential part of marketing, but something I see so often is entrepreneurs going out there saying, buy my stuff. 

Social media is so much more than...

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Being Productive Has Nothing To Do With Will Power Feb 03, 2020

Being productive isn't about going through a massive to do list and giving yourself a pat on the back because you've got lots of stuff done in a day.

Being productive is not about getting more...

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The Difference Between Self-Love and Self-Care. Jan 29, 2020

Okay lovelies. We need to discuss the difference between self-care and self-love.

There is a big difference between letting yourself have a bubble bath at the end of the week to being truly and...

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Super Quick Morning Routine Jan 27, 2020

Having a morning routine has been essential to help me have a really, really good day and make sure I'm achieving the success that I want.

But the downside of morning routines is there's a...

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Lack of Time isn't the Reason You're Struggling to Make Money in Your Business Jan 20, 2020

Lack of time is not the reason you are struggling to make money in your business.

Now look, I understand why you think it might be. It seems so logical that if you had more time, you'd have more...

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Follow Your Heart and the Money Will Come Dec 20, 2019

As entrepreneurs, it's really easy to overthink things.

We want to do things right.

We want to serve our customers in the best possible way, but what I want to share with you today is that the best...

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Are you making this Mindfulness Mistake? Oct 10, 2019

As an entrepreneur, you've probably heard loads about mindfulness. I know I thought I had a mindfulness practice.

What I would do is I'd go out for a walk in the middle of my day or I'd be really...

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Why "charging your worth" is utter nonsense. Jun 20, 2019

I believe being told to charge what you're worth is incredibly damaging and it needs to stop.

You, my darling, need to charge what your services are truly worth.

You need to be charging what the...

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Why my pre-launch strategy is more sleep and smoothies than spreadsheets and stress May 13, 2019

Let's be honest here my darling, if you have ever run a launch or a large promotion in your business you know that these are really high energy periods of time and they can leave you feeling pretty...

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